Thursday, June 13, 2013

Do You Need Help Losing Weight?

Most people think that working out will help them shed the pounds.While that is a reasonable assumption,its just not true all the time.Working out helps you shed the pounds yes and burns extra calories,however what you eat is also 90% of the battle.If you are not losing weight or getting the results you want,chances are your eating habits could be the culprit.The cleaner you eat,the better you will feel.What can you do to tweak your eating plans?

1.Cut out as much processed junk as you can.This means candy,chips,cookies(these things are fine in moderation)

2.Add in healthier options.Try adding more fresh fruits and veggies.Try making a smoothie after a tough workout,add a handful of nuts to your snacking instead of chips.

3.Water,Water,Water...Water is essential and is most helpful in weight loss.Also it helps rid your body of toxins too!

There are so many different ways you can tweak your diet.Just play around with a few things in addition to switching out the processed foods for the cleaner ones.

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