People often wonder when they are trying to stay in shape and lose weight,if indulging a little is a bad thing.I say all things in moderation.However if you find yourself enjoying your goodies a little too much,here are some tips:
1.Enjoy a little each day!If you find you nosh all day at the chips,prepare little baggies for the week.You tend to eat less when you are not eating all the bag at once.Spread that bad over the course of a week or two.
2.You love candy!I find if you reward yourself a little at a time,it tends to go a long way.If you have to have a Reese Cup,have one a week.Put them in a place where you will not find them easily.For me I have one once a week.I tend not to buy sweets all too much,however all things in moderation.
3.Cravings!Lets say you are having a craving for ice cream or something just as sinful lol,I say eat a smaller serving,just to satisfy the craving.If you completely avoid your favorite snacks,you tend to binge later.So give in just a little and you will find your waistline will thank you later.
Just remember that anything in excess is not good for you,if you keep that in mind you will achieve better results,and you will be able to achieve your goals and remain in control.Over the next several weeks I will be writing articles about the holidays and how to enjoy them without going up on the scale.Stay tuned!
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