Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Its been a little while since my last post!I am currently researching for a new article I am doing and will make an update soon.I want to know what others are interested in.Do you want to learn more about health/nutrition?Workouts?I need you to comment here or email me at fitnessmom9603@gmail.com  

Monday, March 18, 2013

Today's Workout

Today was a good run,I made sure that I ran at a decent pace,enough to get the heart rate up.I love working out solo,I have never been the type to run with the pack so to speak.I know alot of people say I may run longer if I ran outside and with a partner,but I don't think so.Anyway,today was a good workout and burned a good bit of calories.I am also thinking of purchasing Insanity from BeachBody.I am wanting a challenge and from what I have heard about this,its definitely a tough one.I will post an update when I decide to purchase it.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Losing Weight Is Too Hard

Most people want results,but don't want to do what it takes to get the results they want.If losing weight were easy and mundane,most people would be in shape and never complain!You have to often train yourself and don't worry if you don't get it all right...meaning.Lets say that you are counting calories and you go over a few times.Don't beat yourself up.Weight loss teaches you alot about yourself and food.What foods are healthy for you and what foods are not.I tell people to focus on getting there exercise going and over time there food preferences will change.People view weight loss as a race and some run it just as that,more often than not,once they reach there goal they just stop working out and eating right.People wonder why after they do that,the weight creeps back on?I say focus on eating healthy when you can,don't beat yourself up if you miss a step and stumble...it happens to all of us.I always look at what I can do to add to my eating plan or what I can do to increase my intensity on my workouts.Do I stumble?You bet I do!I don't beat myself up over it though,either.Make sure your eating plan and fitness plan allows you room to make mistakes...I wouldn't have come this far if I didn't make mistakes.Keep focused and always keep your eye on what lies at the end of your journey...a healthier body and a healthier and fit you!

I Dont Have Time!

How many of us have said we just don't have time?I know there are days when I know that I don't want to workout.Knowing your weaknesses,will allow you to plan better.Think of working out as an appointment you have for yourself.Stick it on the calendar and stick to it.You will have days when you wont want to and you will come up with every excuse as to why you cant work out.Here are some tips to help you stick with your workout plan....

1.Focus on your goals(Do you have a vacation you are preparing for?)Staying focused on your goals and knowing what you have to do,to get there will make it easier.

2.Determine what type of exercises you like.Think fun!Mix up your workouts and know that you can try a variety of workouts and make sure that you change them up often.New and fresh workouts will make that time more fun and less stressful for you!

3.Rest Days...Make sure you are not working out too much.Working out to the extreme is just as bad as not doing it at all.Overworking those muscles will lead to injury and will burn you out.Make sure that you take advantage of those rest days and get some cross training in.

4.Reward Yourself...For those of us that have long term goals or make working out something that we incorporate into daily life,reward  yourself with whatever you want...night out with the girls,spending time with your spouse,getting your nails or hair done,or even a new restaurant...

Whatever your goals or motivation,use it to help you stay focused!We all have those moments when we don't want to workout,but just know that the more you workout and stay consistent with healthy and eating and exercise,it will pay off in a big way!Questions or maybe an idea for a future article?Email me at fitnessmom9603@Gmail.com  

Thursday, March 7, 2013

My Journey to Losing the Weight

My personal story starts over 2 years ago when I initially lost all my weight.That was 100 pounds.I really had low self-esteem,didn't like to go out much and didn't really see myself as doing anything with my life.I decided that losing weight was the only thing in my life at that time,that I could control.My weight loss through daily workouts and eating well really helped me reach my goals.However I didn't exactly go about it the right way.I cut out everything...I mean everything that I thought was bad for me.I ate so clean  that my lowest weight was 124 pounds.I looked like a twig and there was really nothing to me.However I still thought that this was the right way to go and I continued maintaining my weight.During this time I really thought happiness was on the scale and how much weight I could lose.Losing weight to me was easy and I enjoyed doing it.I remember the day I found out I was pregnant.I know for most people it is an enjoyable experience,but for me it was terror and unhappiness.I would gain everything back,plus interest.Plus things in my personal life was a wreck.However a few weeks later I discovered through an ultrasound that twins were on the way.I was scared,not at the impact of having a baby,but two!The weight started coming on fast and furious.Due to the nature of my previous pregnancies,I wasn't allowed to run.My life,at that moment was over.I didn't understand it.However with good supportive friends I made it through to 7 months.My water broke and was rushed to the hospital.A few days later my boys made there premature entrance into the world via Ce-Section.The nicu experience was overwhelming.I was suddenly the parent of 2 small babies that depended on me for survival.They were 28 weekers and the doctors were not sure they would survive,and I was afraid.I had the support of my church and let me tell you,my church really saw me through.I know God gave me strength to endure the storm and to be strong.My youngest was on oxygen and it was scary and I really didn't think at the time he would have a good outcome.I learned to rely heavily on God and depend on Him.Not just for the emotions that I experienced,but the other emotions,Fear too.

Bringing the boys home brought much anxiety,but we dealt with it,and I settled into life at home with my three kids.I had alot of support through a close friend(Helen Critchley,James(Husband))and my church.It was at this time I decided no matter what my boys would make it.They did and the path to not just weight loss,but my personal relationship with Jesus grew.Things changed for me,and I started my ultimate weight loss journey for the last time.All in all I lost the weight,my self-esteem grew and I became a happier person.God has everything to do with how things turned out.Fast forward to now,I lost 70 plus pounds I gained with my pregnancy,I can keep up now with all three kids.Natalie my oldest is 9,in third grade and doing great.My twins are 20 months and doing very well.I give all credit and praise to God for seeing me through.I wrote this to say that every single thing we experience has an impact and you will be able to show someone else that you too can make it,just like me.Take your journey into health and wellness a slow one,savor each triumph and learn from all the mistakes!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Losing Weight after Having a Baby

Losing weight after a baby can seem like something that most new moms cant fathom.Between feedings,diapering,bathing and other mommy duties,losing that weight can take a backseat.How does a new mom shed those pounds?Its not as hard as one may think.You can squeeze in a few workouts in between feedings,diapering etc.I recommend starting slow,maybe less than 30 minutes a few days a week.I personally lost all my baby weight with the twins.Here are a few tips:

1.Start slow,set small goals
Don't allow yourself to workout too hard in the beginning.This is true if you have a hard delivery(c-section)Allow yourself 4-8 weeks to adjust to baby life.

2.Slow and steady always wins the race!Start your workouts slowly and don't force yourself to do something its not ready for.Your bones/joints are still weak from pregnancy and labor/delivery.Work out slowly and add more intense trainings after at least 4-6 months

3.Eat well...Don't deprive yourself!Moms need to make sure that there diet is healthy and well rounded.Especially if they are nursing.

4.Make Your Workouts Fun....Remember losing weight may take time,so enjoy the process and allow yourself to make mistakes along the way.

5.Mix up your workouts.Add cross training to your routine.Your body does adjust to your workouts and may experience plateau's as you start losing weight.

Most women lose there baby weight within a year if they are consistent in there workouts and eating plan.Just remember you are a new mom now,and the most important thing in your life is your newest bundle of joy!Also working out and eating right wards off post-partum depression...more on that in my next article!

Monday, March 4, 2013

So You Think You Can't?

Most people start there health and fitness program with good intentions.However once they see that results are not coming in fast enough,they give up.People don't understand that getting the fitness results they want or the weight loss results that they want come in time and not overnight.How do I know this?Well I lost weight twice lol...My first time was before getting pregnant with the boys.I lost 100 pounds successfully and stuck to my fitness program.However I didn't go about it correctly and set unrealistic goals and got burned out on running.After my boys were born,I decided to go at it again.This time with more flexibility.I decided that this would not be a race.I lost all my baby weight and feel better.Most people when they decide to get started,they set themselves up to fail.Here are a few reasons:

1.They go at it  too fast and hard.They completely start slashing there calories and go into  overkill mode.They also create an unrealistic fitness plan that they know that cannot maintain.This will cause you to crash and burn.

2.They want to do it fast.Some people may only want to shed a few pounds.So they lose it and are happy for maybe a few weeks and then they gain it back plus interest.

3.They want to look like a celebrity or some other fantasy person....Lets face it we don't have the option of always having a personal trainer,a chef that makes all the perfect foods/portions etc.Nor do you want that.Most people that do this restrict themselves so much,that the weight loss/fitness plan loses its appeal.Thus they give up.

Losing weight and maintaining an active fitness life doesn't have to be hard or boring.When you think get in shape and eating better,you have to have a different mindset.Bring some new ideas to the table,think what can you add to your routine or diet?Not what can you take away.I think that most people associate losing weight with starving to death and not being able to enjoy the food they love.Yes there are some things you may want to scale back on,but not cut out.Remember folks,it took years to gain those extra pounds to your frame and it may take a year or longer to achieve the results you desire.Just don't give up.Over the next few weeks,I will be writing articles focusing on health/nutrition as well as different types of workouts you can do to get those results you are working for.I had someone ask me to do a article on supplements,so I will start doing some research as well as using my own personal stories regarding supplementation if you chose to use them.(Vitamins,protein shakes etc).

Todays Workout...

Today's workout was interesting.I love running,so I do it as often as I can.I decided to speed up a little and its amazing how good running can feel.However now I am sore,but its a good feeling.Most of you that workout have a set routine,however sometimes its good to challenge yourself and see where it takes you!I plan on adding a little more to my workouts whether its in speed or endurance and I will post back in a few weeks and let you know of my progress.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Losing Weight While Still Enjoying Food

People tend to think that losing weight and getting in shape means missing out on your favorite foods.Nope!You can still enjoy the pizza and eating out.You just have to be sensible.Make sure that you include healthy choices and appropriate serving sizes.I for one love Steak and Shake,Olive Garden and a few other restaurant's.Yes even McDonald's every now and then!People seem to think that losing weight and getting in shape means alot of sacrifice.While there are some things that you will need to scale back on(not completely give up)I don't recommend taking anything out of your diet unless you plan to for the rest of your life.Here are a few tips:

1.Choose a place to eat at,at least once a week.Enjoy the food and make sure that your portion sizes aren't enormous...lol.Eat slowly and savor each bite.

2.Incorporate the unhealthy with the healthy.Say you want that juicy steak,pair it up with a healthy salad or another vegetable.

3.Take half home with you!Most people tend to think they have to eat there complete meal at a restaurant.No you can easily take half home with you to eat on another day or maybe take to work with you.No one says you have to eat all of it at once.

4.Enjoy Dessert!I have found in my weight loss journey if you deprive yourself,you will end up eating it later in larger quantities.So enjoy that slice of cake or bowl of ice cream!

5.Listen to your body.This is the part most people have trouble with....it takes at least 20 minutes for the brain to tell your body that you have eaten enough.Problem is,we often tend to ignore that.Especially if we are bound and determined to eat every last bite.

6.Don't count calories all the time!After my twins were born,I decided to lose my weight.Well one thing that stressed me out was calorie counting.I just decided not to do it anymore.You know your body and you know when you have eaten enough.Obviously for me it works.I lost all my baby weight and feel pretty good.Remember enjoy your food,don't go overboard and learn there is a balance between losing weight and enjoying your food!Remember I love to hear from my readers,so leave a comment.If you would like an article listed on this site just email me at fitnessmom9603@gmail.com