That new bundle of joy can make dramatic changes in your life. The vast majority of changes are worth it, but some make it hard to keep up with the important things like regular exercise and adequate sleep.
You're not alone. Just about every woman, at one time or another, has struggled with exercise after pregnancy. Here are some ideas to help you get back into exercising and get back into shape! Make exercise a priority Not only is your body sleep deprived, but it has also just gone through intense labor which requires healing. You find yourself watching the dust, dishes, and laundry pile up while you tend to your little one. Feel like exercising? Probably not! However, exercising can be the energizer you need to get more motivation. Make it a priority. Baby steps Start out slow. Within the first 6 weeks after delivering your baby, your body is healing and requires extra time to get back into shape. Taking care of your baby and managing the basic housework is enough exercise for you now. Be sure to discuss postpartum precautions and limitations with your doctor Be creative Once cabin fever Exercise time doesn't have to be separate from baby time. Let your baby watch you exercise. Place him or her in a bouncy seat or swing while you do your favorite exercise tape, perform sit ups and other exercises on a large exercise ball, or run on a treadmill. Some days just playing and carrying your baby can be a good workout in itself! Get by with a little help from your friends Exercise with a friend or relative, or another new mom. Having someone to exercise with is a big motivator. Plan on a day and time to meet and stick with it. It's amazing how time flies when you're walking with a friend and chatting about baby stuff. Join a fitness center and enroll in classes or contact a local mom's club if you have trouble scheduling times with friends. You can also get online and chat with other new moms. Find somebody interested in exercising and keep in contact with her each week. Motivate and encourage each other. Having a friend to set exercise goals with will help you succeed and stay motivated. You can do it, mom! By staying fit, you will be able to keep up with your little one's activeness. You will have more energy to play with your baby. Keep in contact with other new moms to share your stories and keep each other motivated. Stay in shape and enjoy every moment of motherhood. |
The Running Mom
Health and Fitness Tips and More!
Thursday, January 22, 2015
New Year...New Goals
The new year always starts out well with good intentions and new ideas.For some its to lose weight,go back to school,work out more or develop a new hobby....what is yours?I don't believe in resolutions....goals are always so much better.My goals for this new year is to become a better runner,start college/work and to spend more quality time with my kids and loved ones.Whatever goals you set,make sure they are attainable and they have a date/time in which you will achieve them.Goals are also more likely to be achieved if you tell a close friend/family member and write them down.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
New content and updates coming in the new year.
I know that I have not updated in roughly a year.Starting in January I will be writing new articles relating to fitness,diet,nutrition and also implementing some challenges to increase fitness during the winter months.If you are an article writer and think you have content that is relevant,I would love to reprint your articles.Email me at really want to get some good content for this year,so stay tuned.Make sure that you check back often for updates and tips.
Friday, January 31, 2014
How are the New Years Goals coming?
How are your goals coming along?Have you committed to a healthier lifestyle?Do you want to give up a bad habit?For me and my family,we are focusing on healthier eating.I still run/lift 3-4 days a week.I am interested in what you are doing for the new year and how you are progressing.Leave a comment to let me know how your progress is coming.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Stop Dieting and Start Living! Have You Made the Change?
You’ve heard it so many times that you probably say it in your sleep. "Diets don’t work; if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to make a lifestyle change."
But what does a lifestyle change look or feel like, and how do you know when you’ve made one? The way some people talk about it, you’d think there’s some sort of mystical wisdom you get when you “make the change” that tells you when and what to eat, and how to stop worrying about the number on the scale. Does this mean you’ll finally stop craving chocolate and start liking tofu?
The basic difference between a diet mentality and a lifestyle mentality is simply a matter of perspective. Having the right perspective may not make tofu taste better than chocolate, but it can make all the difference in the world when it comes to achieving your goals, avoiding unnecessary suffering along the way, and hanging onto your achievements over the long haul.
Trust me on this. I’ve lost
well over 350 pounds in my life—I know how to do that. But I also put 200 of those back on again, getting bigger each time. The 150 pounds I lost a few years ago is staying off, because I’ve changed my perspective.
Here are the main ways a diet differs from a lifestyle:
But what does a lifestyle change look or feel like, and how do you know when you’ve made one? The way some people talk about it, you’d think there’s some sort of mystical wisdom you get when you “make the change” that tells you when and what to eat, and how to stop worrying about the number on the scale. Does this mean you’ll finally stop craving chocolate and start liking tofu?
The basic difference between a diet mentality and a lifestyle mentality is simply a matter of perspective. Having the right perspective may not make tofu taste better than chocolate, but it can make all the difference in the world when it comes to achieving your goals, avoiding unnecessary suffering along the way, and hanging onto your achievements over the long haul.
Trust me on this. I’ve lost
Here are the main ways a diet differs from a lifestyle:
- A diet is all about numbers—the number on the scale and the number of calories you eat and burn. Success is defined in terms of how well you stick to your numbers.
A lifestyle change is all about you. It’s about lining up your eating and physical activity with your real goals and desires. Success is defined in terms of how these changes make you feel about yourself.
- The diet mentality assumes that reaching a certain weight is the key to finding happiness and solving other problems. That’s why messing up the numbers on any given day can be so upsetting—it means you’ve messed up on just about everything that really matters.
The lifestyle approach assumes that being overweight is usually the result of other problems, not the cause. Addressing these problems directly is the best way to solve both the problems themselves and your weight issues. This means focusing on many things, not just the numbers on the scale or the Nutrition Tracker. Numbers only tell a small part of the story, and “bad” numbers often provide good clues into areas that need attention.
- Going on a diet involves an external and temporary change in eating technique. You start counting and measuring, and you stop eating some foods and substitute others, based on the rules of whatever diet plan you are using. Maybe you throw in some exercise to burn a few extra calories. You assume that it’s the technique that produces the results, not you. The results of a diet are external; if you’re lucky, you may change on the outside—but not on the inside. Once you reach your goal weight, you don’t need the technique anymore, and things gradually go back to “normal.” So does your weight—and then some. And, of course, all the problems you hoped the weight loss would solve are still there.
Making a lifestyle change involves an internal and permanent change in your relationship with food, eating, and physical activity. You recognize that the primary problem isn’t what you eat, or even how much you eat, but how and why you eat. Eating mindlessly and impulsively (without intention or awareness) and/or using food to manage your emotions and distract yourself from unpleasant thoughts—this is what really needs to change. Learning to take good care of yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually—so that you don’t want to use eating to solve problems it really can’t—is a lifelong learning process that is constantly changing as your needs and circumstances change. Continued › - This doesn't mean the surface level things don't matter. Clearly, controlling how much and what you eat is vital, and caring how you look is a great motivator. The real issue here is where you fit into the picture. The key to both permanent weight loss and feeling satisfied and happy with yourself and your life is to take personal responsibility for what you can control, and let go of everything else.
Many factors that are out of your control—your genes, age, medicalstatus and previous weight history— will affect your weight and appearance. These factors may determine how much weight you can lose, how quickly you’ll lose it, and how you’ll look and feel when you’ve gone as far as you can go. When you focus too narrowly on the numbers on the scale or what you see in the mirror, you are staking your happiness and satisfaction on things you really can’t control. That pretty much guarantees that you’ll be chronically worried, stressed, and uncomfortable—and more likely than ever to have problems with emotional eating.
And when you rely too much on external (diet) tools, techniques, and rules to determine your behavior, you are turning over your personal responsibility to the tools and techniques. If you find yourself frequently losing motivation or feeling powerless to control your own behavior, it’s probably because you’re counting on the tools to do your part of the work for you. You’re the only one who can decide what’s right for you; only you can change your attitude and perspective to match your personal reality.
There are many articles in the Resource Center and countless conversations on the Message Boards that offer good information and practical ideas for putting yourself in charge of your own lifestyle makeover. In fact, one of the best ways you can start the transition from a diet to a lifestyle is by taking on the responsibility to identify the problems you need to work on and gather the info you need. Whether it’s coming to terms with emotional eating, improving your body image, or finding a vision of the life you want to live—you’ll find that you aren’t alone and that plenty of support and help is available.
You just need to take that first step away from the diet mentality and closer to a new and improved life(style). - By Dean Anderson, Behavioral Psychology Expert
Bouncing Back into Shape after Baby Returning to Fitness Once the Baby Arrives -- By Krista Carroll, Expert
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Long or Short Workouts?
There is no right or wrong answer here.I also think that this depends on the person.Do you enjoy longer or shorter workouts?I like to mix mine up a bit.I enjoy running so I will experiment with different speeds and times.If you find your weight loss slowing down or you are getting bored,change up the timing and intensity of your workouts.Remember do not attempt to overdo it your first time.I always recommend taking it slow and easy if you are looking to speed up your run for example.For those that enjoy longer workouts like me,start slow and do not increase the speed or intensity no more than 10% each week.This will cause injury and will hurt your progress over all.Remember working out can be fun and enjoyable,so make sure you make the most of whatever time you are devoting to running,lifting,swimming or whatever your chosen activity is.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Benefits of Running
Benefits of Running
Running is addictive. Speak to anyone who is a runs or jogs regularly and you will find that everyone has different motivations. Some run to keep their weight down, or to help them lose weight. Others run because it makes them feel happier and healthier. Some people run because they feel it is good exercise.
Every runner uses these motivations to help them stay on track with their routines. Any physical activity you can stick with is a good one. It just seems that a lot of people run and do so with regularity. Well, the fact is, running has a lot of benefits. Here's a list of some of the best.
Good Health. One of the biggest benefits of running is that it is good for you. It keeps your heart healthy, it increases your metabolism, and it in general keeps your body looking and feeling healthy. It also increases your sex drive.
Lose Weight. Another benefit of running is that it can help you lose weight. For those who are already at a healthy weight, it can help you maintain it. Just make sure to keep your calorie intake at a healthy level. Runners are not immune to gaining weight if they take in too many calories.
Better Moods. Running simply makes you feel good. It can improve your mood and give you an overall sense of well being. The physical activity activates the right hormones to improve your mood. That means that even if you run while something is bothering you, by the end of your run, you will feel a lot better.
Get Rid of Stress. Stress is a big problem in our society. We rush around from activity to activity without really taking time out for ourselves. Since running makes us healthier, it is no surprise that it can also help us deal with stress. And there is more to it than just a chemical reaction. Running gives us some much needed quiet time. That alone can help lower stress.
Increased Self Esteem. Regular runners report an increase in their confidence and self esteem. And the self esteem benefits of running are increased if you set a goal and accomplish. For example, if you set a goal to run a marathon and then make it across the finish line, the confidence gained from a goal accomplished is worth it. But you don't need to set a goal or run a race to experience this. Running gives people an inner sense of confidence regardless.
Sense of Community. Some people prefer to run alone. They enjoy the quiet and solitude. However, some would rather use their running time to get social. Choosing a running buddy or running with a club or group is a great way to develop a sense of community with your running. You can set goals and accomplish them together. Plus, having at least one running buddy is a great motivator.
Gray Rollins is a featured writer for To learn more about the health benefits of running and running for weight loss, visit us.
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